Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field)

Hwy 39, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA

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Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field) Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field) Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field) Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field) Chelsea Recreational Park (Softball Complex/Football Field)
The Chelsea Youth Club Softball Program was established to provide girls in the Chelsea community the opportunity to have FUN in a team environment.

The goal of the CYC softball program is to provide and develop good role models on and off the field. They teach the importance of good sportsmanship and the importance of teamwork. They strive to put good coaches in place to instruct girls in the fundamentals of softball. There is both a spring and fall league, with ages from 5-12.

Last updated : Jun 12 2015

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Phone: 205-678-7260
Hours: 8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm||8:00am__11:00pm
Price Information: [{"name":"price_descr[]","value":"Football registration"},{"name":"price[]","value":"$225"},{"name":"price_descr[]","value":"Softball registration"},{"name":"price[]","value":"$75"}]

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Additional Resources

Cross Creek Golf

Hwy 39, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA, 0 mi

Chelsea Youth Fields (Baseball)

641 Chelsea Rd, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA, 0.73 mi


150 Chelsea Corners Way, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA, 0.86 mi

Snap Fitness--Chelsea

20 Chelsea Corners, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA, 0.89 mi

Walmart Supercenter- Chelsea, AL

16077 U.S. 280, Chelsea, AL 35043, USA, 1.32 mi

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